Month: January 2024

This Is The Secret To an Energizing Power Nap

In addition to boosting cognitive function, a power nap can improve memory consolidation, reboot focus and productivity, and reduce feelings of fatigue and inertia. Source: Vogue This Is The Secret To an Energizing Power Nap This Is The Secret To an Energizing Power Nap {$excerpt:n}

On the Absorbing High Jinks of ‘The Traitors’ UK

When it’s cold in January, our little island gathers round the TV like ants to jam, our cockles warmed by its gentle LED light. And this year’s jammiest offering is the second season of BBC’s “The Traitors.” Source: Vogue On the Absorbing High Jinks of ‘The Traitors’ UK On the Absorbing High Jinks of […]