Month: January 2024

Could 2024 Be the Year of Joni Mitchell-Core?

I picture the ’70s version of myself living in Laurel Canyon, wearing fringe, being extremely chill, and—most of all—somehow being intimate friends with Joni Mitchell, so you can imagine my excitement when I heard that the 80-year-old artist would be performing at the upcoming Grammys. Source: Vogue Could 2024 Be the Year of Joni […]

Why Do Environmental Stunts Irk Us So Much?

When the world seems particularly negative, it’s natural to want escapism. But whenever I’m trying to forget my worries over a few fail vids, environmental stunts jolt me back to reality in a confronting and uncomfortable way. Source: Vogue Why Do Environmental Stunts Irk Us So Much? Why Do Environmental Stunts Irk Us So […]